Käytämme erilaisia evästeitä, jotka löydät alla olevasta valikoimasta. Tarvittavat evästeet ovat välttämättömiä sivustomme toiminnan kannalta, ja siksi ne on asetettu oletusarvoisesti. Kaikki muut evästeet auttavat meitä suunnittelemaan verkkotarjontamme tarpeittesi mukaan ja parantamaan sitä jatkuvasti. Tilastoja koskevat evästeet auttavat meitä ymmärtämään, miten kävijät ovat vuorovaikutuksessa verkkosivustomme kanssa, keräämällä tietoja nimettömänä. Markkinointievästeiden avulla voimme parantaa sivustollamme ehdotettuja tuotteita. Voit hallita näitä evästeitä klikkaamalla alla olevaa painiketta. Voit tarkastella asetuksia milloin tahansa sivustollamme ja muuttaa niitä vastaavasti.
Kiimainen tarjoaa 24 tuntia: Hullut tarjoukset joka päivä - vahvasti alennettuun hintaan. Tutustu flash-tarjouksiin, päivän tarjouksiin, tarjouksiin, diileihin ja kuponkeihin.
Bel objet. Beau claquement dans l'air et sur le dos. Beau travail sur le corps d'un slave débutant et aussi pour slave endurant... il suffit d'insister pour qu'il prenne son plaisir. Le Maître aussi le trouvera !
I must first note that this is not my usual girly lube bottle, adorned with images of cherries, strawberries or whatever flavor has my chosen product of the moment: with the words FUCKSLUT I would not leave this bottle in plain sight, perhaps saying my mother that it's a face cream or body moisturizer. It wasn't sealed with the translucent piece of plastic I used to find in spray products by MEO, but it also looks way sturdier and less-prone to break during the shipping process. It was also correclty packed, together with other products, in a box lined with bubble plastic wrap.
I never bought silicone-based lubes before because I mostly use this kind of product during play sessions with toys made from the same kind of material. It's well known that silicone based lubes are not compatible with silicone sex toys, and honestly, what kind of reviewer would I be if I didn't use only vibrators made from the safest, more hygienic material available on the market? All jokes aside, never use the FUCKSLUT on that expensive silicone sex toy: you can damage it!
I don't know why, but I was expecting a silicone lube to be thicker than a water based one. The FUCKSLUT proved me wrong: its serum-like, nearly liquid texture is very pleasant to the touch, and it can't be more different from the gelatinous consistency of my usual flavoured lubes.
I would compare its feel to the one of a high-end face serum: the ones you put on before your daily moisturizer. Not runny, neither thick and most importantly, not sticky at all.
The first benefit I found in comparison with my usual water-based lube is that this one is really long-lasting. I was used to reapply my lube two or three times per session since I'm quite dry down there due to my contraceptive pill: with the FUCKSLUT instead, that little dab I start with goes a very long way. I'm starting to look at the 30ml travel-sized bottle in a much different way, thinking it will last me a lot longer than expected.
I know well that the feeling of the lube starting to dry up in the heat of the moment can be very uncomfortable: knowing that this one will last until Daddy and I finish playing is a sensation I wouldn't be able to give up.
Then, I absolutely had to try it in the bath tub since I could read on MEO's official website that this product is waterproof: I found it to act exactly in the same way inside and outside of the water.
The waterproof properties of the FUCKSLUT mean you won't be able to rinse it away with water as you would do with a water-based lube: the instructions I found on MEO's official website advise to rinse it with water and soap. I honestly preferred to leave it on my skin since the serum-like feel of the lubricant on my hands and body was pleasant. I didn't feel at all that usual urge of rinsing off my hands all that sticky, strawberry scented lube mess!
But I had success removing any residual of this product with a biphasic make-up remover, if you really need to clean up your hands after your play session.
The FUCKSLUT, whose INCI only consists of silicones (Dimethicone and Dimethiconol, Cyclomethicone) make me understand why they put this kind of ingredient in high-end cosmetics: obviously silicones aren't natural, but they are the only solution to achieve that special smooth-skin feel I get from this lube. If this was an anti-aging product instead of a sex lube, they would market it to smooth the fine lines around your eyes! It also reminded me a little of certain smoothing face primers used to create an even surface before applying the foundation.
Silicones also are the only way to achieve this product's waterproof and long lasting properties. I hope the fanatics of all-natural skin care will keep this in mind next time they attempt sex in water only to find they're damn dry down there!
The FUCKSLUT is clear with no smell at all, however I should warn my readers that I found it stains more than a water-based lubricant: you can't remove the stain with water only and the item that came in contact with the product needs to go into the washing machine. Beware if you're planning a quickie!
I also feel this product is quite cheap: given that you only need a few drops per session and that the 30ml bottle will last as a 50ml one or even bigger of water based lube, buying it at 6.90€ at MEO sounds like a deal
Read full review: https://missdollreviews.wixsite.com/sextoyreviews/blog/meo-fuckslut-silicone-based-lube
La mejor compra que he hecho en muuuucho tiempo!!!! Toda mi vida me depilaba con rastrillo y jabón, espumas, etc., así que ahora decidí probar este producto y es lo mejor! Mis piernas quedaron súper suavecitas, no tardé nada, y ya solo al salir me puse crema como siempre. Totalmente recomendable.
HOT !!! I found this easy to put on and loved the feel while wearing it. I recommend it be worn commando style so nothing interfere with the extraordinary feel. I have two different sizes. The 1 1/2" and 1 1/5". Thanks!!!
this is the best lube me and my boyfriend have ever used , a little goes a long way and it's so amazing for such a good price . i would 100% recommend this !
Schönes, schweres, weiches Leder, welches mit der Zeit anschmiegsamer wird, färbt nicht, ist angenehm auf der Haut und hält was aus. Die Verabeitung gewäht ein hohes Maß an Sicherheit. Seit über vier Jahren bei mir im regelmäßigem Gebrauch und werden aller Voraussicht nach noch lange ihren Zweck erfüllen. Die Anschaffung hat sich definitv gelohnt. Die Handhängefesseln von MEO sind sehr mpfehlenswert.
Компания Meo любезно предоставила мне этот замечательный тоннель размера XL на тесты за этот отзыв. Я очень долго ждал заветной посылки, и когда получил и увидео размеры этого монстра, я немного испукался) надо сказать, что я 15 лет играю со своей попкой, и считал, что какие-то 83мм диаметра - это уже пройденный этап! Я ошибался) Из-за того, что тоннель очень твердый, он заходит очень туго, раздвигая тазовые кости. Из-за его формы, надо приложить немало училий чтоб растянуть вход для начала его вхождения. И вот ты доходишь до самой широкой точки и чувствуешь, как плаг раздвигает твою плоть медленно, но с все нарастающим ощущением расширения, наполнения, открытия. Обычно, у меня темнеет в глазах, когда он преодолевает финальные миллиметры, а ощущение, когда он встает на место сопровождается тяжелым выдохом и глубоким дыханием. Ваша дырка издает журчащие звуки, когда тоннель ее раскрывает. Поначалу, я выдерживал минут 10-15 с ним внутри, но постепенно я дошел до 2-3 часов. Смазка на плаге держится неплохо, достаточно долго. Я комбинирую обычную Contex Silk с J-Lube, и в таком составе за 2-3 часа она еще не вся впитывается, и плаг можно осторожно извлечь, чтоб не порваться) Когда выталкиваешь пробку из себя спустя 3 часа, из члена выбрасывается эякулят, а по телу пробегает волна тепла. Интересные ощущения получаются и от вставки вибратора внутрь тоннеля. Одни словом - это замечательная игрушка для ценителей максимального растяжения! После него двойной фистинг проходит на ура! Спасибо, Meo!
Egal ob Selfbondage oder bei Spielen mit mehreren Spielpartnern. Beim Bondage bringt das Zeitschloss einen neuen Kick ins Spielzimmer oder Schlafzimmer. Das Schloss war jetzt bei einigen Sessions im Einsatz und musste bisher noch nicht wieder aufgeladen werden. Ein Langzeit-Test folgt noch. Zudem haben wir auch einen Produkttest mit Video gefunden, der ganz hilfreich sein könnte: http://www.fesselblog.de/zeitschloss/