Käytämme erilaisia evästeitä, jotka löydät alla olevasta valikoimasta. Tarvittavat evästeet ovat välttämättömiä sivustomme toiminnan kannalta, ja siksi ne on asetettu oletusarvoisesti. Kaikki muut evästeet auttavat meitä suunnittelemaan verkkotarjontamme tarpeittesi mukaan ja parantamaan sitä jatkuvasti. Tilastoja koskevat evästeet auttavat meitä ymmärtämään, miten kävijät ovat vuorovaikutuksessa verkkosivustomme kanssa, keräämällä tietoja nimettömänä. Markkinointievästeiden avulla voimme parantaa sivustollamme ehdotettuja tuotteita. Voit hallita näitä evästeitä klikkaamalla alla olevaa painiketta. Voit tarkastella asetuksia milloin tahansa sivustollamme ja muuttaa niitä vastaavasti.
Lisätietoja on osoitteessa tietosuojaselosteessa.
Jokainen ihmispentu tarvitsee kivan hännän heiluttamisen. Täältä löydät suurimman valikoiman koiranpennun pyllypistokkeita ja anaalipistokkeita, joissa on hännät.
Toller Fuchsschwanz
Der Fuchsschwanz fühlt sich sehr angenehm und hochwertig an, der Plug ist eher kleiner und dadurch super für längeres Tragen geeignet.
My boy loves the product.
My boy loves the product.
Glücklich und erregt
Ich bin sehr lange bereits in der BDSM- und Feitsch-Szene und kenne diverse Produkte, welche ich nicht nur in richtigen Geschäften, sondern auch online gekauft habe. Ich kann bestätigen, dass dieser Preis für dieses Produkt sehr gerechtfertigt ist. Die alteingesessene Firma MEO scheint auf beste Materialien zu setzen um so seine Kunden zu befriedigen. Ich kann nur sagen, dass ich selber sehr viel Spaß damit auch mit anderen aktiven/passiven Personen habe und haben werde. Man kann diesen Analplug mit Schweif sehr schön in den After einführen und so drehen, dass ein optimaler Effekt entsteht, der bestimmt sehr viele Zuschauer glücklich und erregt macht.
This fox tail plug offers both visual and sexual appeal for you
Slide the gleaming metal plug into your partner. Let them enjoy the full feeling. To make it more interesting, heat or cool the plug before insertion and really let them react to the new sensations. Once inserted, you can enjoy the bushy fox tail protruding from them. The plug is made from an aluminum alloy with a tapered tip and flared base.
Bad Puppy Plug mit Schweif - rosa
Wer hat das süßeste Hündchen? ICH hab das süßeste Hündchen! Dieser Plug mitsamt Schweif macht sich einfach richtig niedlich an jedem kleinen Welpen. Ich schau es mir in jedem Fall äußerst gerne an! P/L finde ich hier absolut gerechtfertigt!
Great for cosplay. Perfect size
Great for cosplay. Perfect size
Excellent harness, BUT
Very well crafted, feels sturdy and comfortable to wear. Comes with two panels for the plug (1 with hole - for tails and such; and another for full plugs).
Easy to put on and can be worn under clothes, everything stays put.
The locking function is a bit misleading. There are indeed two lockable buckles on the belt, BUT there are two more buckles and straps on the backside which are not lockable. So if the plan is to lock yourself or your sub in this, then this harness doesn't really serve this purpose, unless you find another way to keep their hands off the straps and buckles. ;)
Goes in nicely and stays put
The material they used to construct this plug allowed it to go in nicely and stay put with out any issues.
The Meo Dog Tail Puppy Butt Plug (Rocky)
It has become an intense interest of mine to indulge in all things puppy play related that I possibly can. Of course, when you’re a bisexual, sex toy safety-conscious vegan lady in a fetish that is mostly dominated by a leather, rubber, and TPR-loving atmosphere this isn’t always possible. Not to yuck anyone’s yum (your yum is my yum too) but the demographics of puppy play don’t necessarily lend themselves to the niche that I tend to occupy via my preferences.
So, as you can imagine, I eagerly pounce on any opportunity to indulge my puppy proclivities in a manner that suits my individual desires, tail wagging. In this case quite literally.
As I’m sure you all know, I’m not typically an anal enthusiast. In fact, up until this point Mr Peaches has been the sole tester of anal toys on this site bar a single review…until now.
Oh yes, if anything was going to get me to re-explore my anal capabilities it was going to be puppy play. What else could be so exquisitely motivating for a canine kinkster such as myself?
It is thanks to Meo that I have been given the opportunity to try this anal treat—part of their rather extensive range of puppy and pet play items. A lot of puppy butt plugs are made from TPR or a similarly porous material (which, in my opinion, should never be used for an anal toy) but thankfully Meo provides a range of anal puppy plugs which are completely silicone. This isn’t necessarily unheard of but it’s a welcome addition to the site, and something I must commend Meo on stocking.
I’m certainly a fan of this playful plug.
The Meo Dog Tail Puppy Butt Plug (Rocky) is one of a few of these plugs, and the smallest in the range—because, let’s face it, I’m hardly able to be taking much more than a beginner’s toy at this point (back to square one it seems). This particular plug has a maximum diameter of 3.5cm and an insertable length of 5.5 cm. The adorable puppy tail attached is about 30 cm in length and joins the rest of the plug in being made out of pure silicone.
Some pups might pout at the idea of having a pure silicone butt plug. Dog tails are hardly known for their rigid silicone form, after all. However I’ve tried (or, to be accurate, had Mr Peaches try) a fair few different tail plugs in my time—including ones made from synthetic fur, synthetic hair, and even (by frustrated mistake) real fur and, I have to say, nothing beats a silicone tail. Yes, the others do look more realistic. They provide a sense of immersion and playful realism that you perhaps miss out with when using a silicone plug but they’re a nightmare to truly sanitize and I’ve never felt 100% confident that I’ve cleaned such a tail.
With silicone being non-porous, phthalate-free, and completely body-safe, there is no worry about just how thorough a clean it can be given. All you need to do is use a reliable toy cleaner or soap and some water and give it a good scrub and rinse. Equally it can be chucked in the dishwasher or cleaned with a bleach solution if you’d rather. The versatility and assurance of silicone is not something I’m willing to sacrifice just to have a fluffier (but less sanitary) puppy tail, so this plug is perfect.
The silicone used for the Meo Dog Tail Puppy Butt Plug (Rocky) is also very nice, smooth, and has a matte surface that gives it a nice amount of soft grip and sensation. It almost feels like the Andrex puppy equivalent of a butt plug. Durable, noticeably made for purpose, and yet so wonderfully smooth that using anything else seems unthinkable (yes, I may have a toilet-paper preference in addition to a few sex toy material ones).
As said before, I am not an experienced butt plug user yet I found the Meo Dog Tail Puppy Butt Plug (Rocky) very easy to insert once well lubricated. All I had to do was relax, add the necessary amount of pressure, and the plug slid right in. This is aided by the plug’s ovular shape—which is very accommodating and in no way extreme or unwelcoming.
Once in the plug felt comfortable and its neck offered enough of a narrow point to make it sit properly while also giving that teasing sensation that I have come to attribute to anal play. In terms of personal preference, I’m still not sure if I like this sensation, but this puppy plug has provided the closest to a pleasurable experience that I’ve ever managed with an anal toy.
The flared base for the Meo Dog Tail Puppy Butt Plug (Rocky) is well designed and keeps everything firmly in place, although with such a long toy there’s very little worry about it being sucked up regardless.
Tail plugs have always struck me as seeming a bit visually odd—what with just how low they practically sit compared to the actual coccyx—but I admit to being enthralled by just how visually stunning this plug was. Strike that. The experience wasn’t just visual, it was tactile too. I could feel the tail as an extension of my body. When I waggled by booty it playfully and effectively moved in kind and the jiggle of my waggling tail then provided pleasurable internal sensations. I felt giddy wearing this toy. I felt like a pup, which is exactly what I wanted.
Sadly, my pleasure was short-lived at times, as my position as complete novice meant that the plug would often slide out an unwelcome moments and I would be left pouting and pining for a stronger anal region. But this was not a fault of the plug itself, more something to keep in mind if you’re a total anal beginner or someone with very weak muscles in that area.
In terms of more objective downsides I really can’t think of any. The Meo Dog Tail Puppy Butt Plug (Rocky) sets out to provide an easily insertable, pleasurable, and effective puppy plug and it does just that. I suppose the biggest criticism that could be lobbied against it would be the lack of design and colour variation but, really, that’s more of a practical restriction than something fundamentally wrong with the plug itself.
No, this plug is brilliantly executed and very fit for purpose. It makes me one very happy pup indeed and has encouraged me to open up to anal play again. Three cheers to any toys that can achieve this, as it’s about time I put some more of my personal musings in to the anal reviews on this site.
Final Thoughts
Overall I really liked the Meo Dog Tail Puppy Butt Plug (Rocky) and recommend it (and its larger counterparts) to anyone who wants a body-safe, standard, puppy plug.
Granted, there’s nothing overly extraordinary about this plug. But, as any fetishist knows, sometimes just getting some standard recognition and being catered to in a competent manner is enough to help fantasies become reality and leave users gleeful with the acknowledgement.
This was certainly the case for me, as this plug helped me so easily feel like a joyful pup bounding with energy.
I highly recommend it for anyone interested in puppy play and really have nothing but enthusiastic words to say about it. Two paws up from me!
Recommend to:
People interested in puppy play.
People who like smaller plugs.
People who want a silicone plug.
Do Not Recommend to:
People who want a more realistic looking tail.
People who dislike bulbous/ovular plugs.
People who prefer different materials.
Read full review: http://emmelinepeachesreviews.com/2016/12/17/toy-review-the-meo-dog-tail-puppy-butt-plug-rocky/
Very good
A lot easier to use than I thought it would be. Wags well, packaging was discrete.
Kun kyse on pentuleikistä, MEO on oikea paikka sinulle uskomattomalla valikoimallaan pentujen häntiä ja pentujen pyllypistokkeita. Etsitpä sitten sisään työnnettävää "pentujen häntätulppaa" tai "näyttelyhäntää", löydät varmasti tarvitsemasi täältä. Varastoimme Bad Puppyn ja monien muiden merkkien myydyimpiä häntiä valtavassa valikoimassa kokoja, värejä ja tyylejä.
Yhdistä anaalitulppamme johonkin upeaan pentunaamariin täydellisen ulkoasun aikaansaamiseksi.Mitä ovat pentujen anaalitulpat? Pentujen anaalitulppa (myös: ihmisen pyllytulppa, ihmisen pentujen pyllytulppa tai anaalitulppa hännällä) on eräänlainen dildo, joka on tarkoitettu anaalikäyttöön. Tätä tarkoitusta varten puppy butt plugit on pyöristetty toisesta päästä ja kartiomaisesti muotoiltu, jotta ne on helpompi asettaa sisään. Lisäksi toinen pää on riittävän paksu, jotta pentupylvästulppa pysyy paikallaan ilman suurempaa vaivaa eikä sitä työnnetä vahingossa kokonaan sisään. Näiden yhteisten nimittäjien lisäksi ihmisten pepputulpat ovat saatavilla lukemattomissa muodoissa, väreissä ja materiaaleissa! Pennunpyllytulppia ilman tärinää käytetään joko pelkkään stimulaatioon tai anaaliyhdyntään valmistautumiseen. Ne sopivat sekä naisille että homo- ja heteroseksuaalisille miehille, toisin sanoen kaikille uteliaille.
M itä hyötyä koiranhännällä varustetuista pentujen anaalitulpista on? Pentujen anaalitulpat soveltuvat erityisesti kivuttoman anaaliyhdynnän valmisteluun. Ne asetetaan sisään pienellä liukuvoiteella ja jätetään sitten paikalleen muutamaksi minuutiksi rentouttamaan ja venyttämään peräsuolen lihaksia. Henkilökohtaista liukuvoidetta valittaessa on otettava huomioon erilaisia seikkoja. Öljypohjaiset henkilökohtaiset liukuvoiteet ovat ihanteellisia anaaliyhdyntää varten, koska ne eivät kuivata peräaukkoa. Ne eivät kuitenkaan ole yhteensopivia kondomien tai silikonista tai lateksista valmistettujen lelujen kanssa! Voit sen sijaan käyttää erityisiä anaalivoiteluaineita. Muuten koiranpentujen pepputulppia käytetään usein myös pelkän stimulaation vuoksi tai show-efektinä tai ihmisen peppuasun täydellistämiseksi.
Ne voivat myös stimuloida miehen P-pistettä seksin aikana ja siten varmistaa kovemman erektion!Osta pentupyllytulpat netistä MEO.de:stä Etsitpä sitten pentupyllytulppia tärinällä tai ilman, löydät sen täältä MEO:sta! Hännällä varustetuilla pepputulpilla, kuten Badpuppyn tulpilla, on sekä koristeellinen että stimuloiva vaikutus. Alumiinista valmistettu peräaukkotulppa tai laadukas lasitulppa voi tarjota erityisiä tuntemuksia niiden aluksi viileän pinnan ansiosta. Meillä on tietysti myös vaikuttavia silikonista valmistettuja pentujen anaalitulppia. Hauskaa selailua!