Käytämme erilaisia evästeitä, jotka löydät alla olevasta valikoimasta. Tarvittavat evästeet ovat välttämättömiä sivustomme toiminnan kannalta, ja siksi ne on asetettu oletusarvoisesti. Kaikki muut evästeet auttavat meitä suunnittelemaan verkkotarjontamme tarpeittesi mukaan ja parantamaan sitä jatkuvasti. Tilastoja koskevat evästeet auttavat meitä ymmärtämään, miten kävijät ovat vuorovaikutuksessa verkkosivustomme kanssa, keräämällä tietoja nimettömänä. Markkinointievästeiden avulla voimme parantaa sivustollamme ehdotettuja tuotteita. Voit hallita näitä evästeitä klikkaamalla alla olevaa painiketta. Voit tarkastella asetuksia milloin tahansa sivustollamme ja muuttaa niitä vastaavasti.
Haluatko ottaa preparaattitestin? toimitamme 100-prosenttisen huomaamattomasti kaiken, mitä tarvitset amatöörilääkärinä venyttämiseen, levittämiseen ja tutkimiseen.
Das ist unsere erste Erfahrung, also ich und mein Freund, aber doch gefällt ihm schon sehr. Die hochwertigen Fesseln machen uns super Spaß. Übrigens sehr schnell zugestellt und gut verpackt.
I think I may be in love with these. So much that I actually bought two pairs (although I will never need two... They are so sturdy that one pair probably could last a lifetime). Anyone with a leather fetish will love the feel of these.
And the colour is such a refreshing touch in a sea of black. The metal clasp is easy to use, and the metal detailing just generally is a sight to behold. You will feel very comfortable wearing these, and also very kinky knowing such a beautiful luxury item is keeping you restrained.
When you receive them, they aren't formed in their intended cuff shape, they come flat, which means the shape tailors itself to the wearer upon use. This was something I really appreciated.
As for the size range, I have quite small wrists and they still fit wonderfully on me on the second tightest buckle hole. I get the impression that these will fit anyone (unless you are the Hulk).
it’ll gives you the thing you’ve already wanted during sounding - smoothless sounding insertion n movement. the only thing i’m not satisfied about is the fact that they sell it on a very small bottle
Avec les pads fétiches pratiques, tu peux te laisser aller lors de ta session et réaliser tes fantasmes les plus sales à ta guise, sans te soucier du sol, des meubles et des coussins. Les Fetish Pads de 60 x 90 cm se déplient facilement, se posent sur la surface de jeu souhaitée et contribuent à une atmosphère sexy en noir traditionnel. En voyage ou à l'hôtel, les draps protègent les sièges de voiture, les tapis et les lits des taches et te protègent des nettoyages fatigants.
Finition sommaire ainsi que l'emballage mais fonctionnement simple et efficace pour parvenir à l'objectif souhaité; Un produit adapté à sa destination.
Auf dieser Sklaventoilette thront meine Herrin mit standesgemäßem Komfort, während ich als Sklave meinen Dienst verrichte. Stabil, funktionell und perfekt designt. The Seat von MEO liess mir meine Fantasien wahr werden. Dieses Möbel eignet sich für den Einsatz im professionellen Dominastudio oder für das privates Vergnügen Zuhause . Der Seat bietet wirklich höchste Materialqualität und maximale Stabilität, damit ich meine Toilettenfantasien sicher und lustvoll umsetzen kann.
Take your fingering skills to the next level or enjoy some fisti
Everyone loves a good fingering, whether its a finger or two in your vagina or even your ass, so when I was presented with the opportunity to review a pre fisting glove by Meo.de, you can bet your bottom dollar that I jumped at the chance.
When I masturbate, penetration is often part of my play, while I enjoy some lovely clitoral pleasure I relish the feeling of being stretched and penetrated.
"Fingering myself felt completely different, and I soon worked myself up to an incredible orgasm that had me squirting when I pulled the fingers out of my pussy." Joanne
These gloves are coated in the most delicious textures and being a self-confessed texture queen I knew that this was going to be right up my alley, and you know what I mean by "alley".
I enjoyed getting to know this glove; I never knew that you could get something like this or that it would be so much fun to use. I love the delicious textures, and they feel fantastic when I masturbate wearing it.
Having someone use it on me feels even better, and I relish the feeling of being slowly warmed up so I can take more and more. If you want to spice up your fingering fun, then this is a quiet toy that is so simple to play with and changes your masturbation pleasure in so many ways.
I can highly recommend it not just for pre-fisting fun but also for slow or rigorous fingering. Go on, let your fingers do the walking.
Read full review: http://www.sexmachinereviews.co.uk/pre-fist-anal-or-vaginal-fingering-glove-review.html
I love this mask. Nice Quality. Shipped quickly. Arrived early. I ordered the black/yellow one and the black/white. Liked it so much that I ordered more.
Wenn man auf SM und Schmerz steht ist dieses Teil ein absolutes Must-Have. Allerdings sollte man bei der Benutzung immer auf das Feedback des passiven Partners achten, da die Reize sehr intensiv sind, aber ich bin davon hellauf begeistert.
Once again I'm pleased to see the usual plastic hygiene seal on my new product: I thinks it's even more important on spray sex essentials, to prevent spills caused by the cap getting lost during shipping: it happens, and I guarantee no one likes to find the packaging all wet from the leaked product and inside, the bottle half empty.
The first thing that catches my attention while getting the VERYCLEAN 2.0 in my hands is the subtle yet pleasant scent I can smell even through the unopened plastic seal. I would describe it as flowery, summery and delicate: it reminded me immediately of a sunscreen hair protection spray I use on the beach and it put me in a good mood. It isn't alcoholic at all and not overpowering.
This is a new pleasant discovery for me: I had only used before unscented toy cleaners that, to be honest, didn't smell very good: they reminded me a little of hand sanitizer or disinfectant, which doesn't exactly put me in the mood for sexy time, especially if I want to clean my accessories before play.
Read full review: https://missdollreviews.wixsite.com/sextoyreviews/blog/meo-veryclean-2.0-toy-cleaner