Käytämme erilaisia evästeitä, jotka löydät alla olevasta valikoimasta. Tarvittavat evästeet ovat välttämättömiä sivustomme toiminnan kannalta, ja siksi ne on asetettu oletusarvoisesti. Kaikki muut evästeet auttavat meitä suunnittelemaan verkkotarjontamme tarpeittesi mukaan ja parantamaan sitä jatkuvasti. Tilastoja koskevat evästeet auttavat meitä ymmärtämään, miten kävijät ovat vuorovaikutuksessa verkkosivustomme kanssa, keräämällä tietoja nimettömänä. Markkinointievästeiden avulla voimme parantaa sivustollamme ehdotettuja tuotteita. Voit hallita näitä evästeitä klikkaamalla alla olevaa painiketta. Voit tarkastella asetuksia milloin tahansa sivustollamme ja muuttaa niitä vastaavasti.
With a flat base and a nice head, the Rocket is great for placing on the floor and riding. A good head with a tapering body, letting you slide further down.
Ho preso la misura più piccola essendo un po' restìa per il sesso anale, e devo dire che non ho avuto nessun problema ne dolore nell'inserirlo e toglierlo (ovviamente con il lubrificante). Piacevole averlo dentro durante il rapporto vaginale, amplifica le sensazioni
Only got it in me twice so far but tried several times before running out of lube. Gone to store for lube and plans to try for 100% insertion. I believe it's critical. To inject lube inside BEFORE YOU INSERT and lube up your hole as well as your toy. That's my plan for next playtime thinking the entire colon area needs to be well lubes.
This toy is extremely hard to use alone. It's too soft to be easily inserted as it doesn't have anything to hold on firmly enough. I'd mention in the description that the product is extremely soft and wobbly.
I like all things anal, especially enema play. I have 3 different toys for delivering enemas, and this one is by far of the highest quality and the most versatile design.
J'apprécie ce jeu d'entrave ( il est livré avec deux exemplaires) qui permet un bondage relativement sévère et très excitant. Multiple possibilités, y compris self-bondage.
Fun fact: A cyborg is defined as a person whose physical capabilities are extended beyond typical human limits via mechanical elements that have been augmented into the body.
Another fun fact: Meo doesn’t just market its Cyborg Exploration Cock as a cyborg cock, but as an alien cyborg cock.
The Meo Cyborg Exploration Cock is a semi-realistic dildo that plays heavily with fictional elements to achieve its aesthetics. ‘Semi-realistic’ here is a bit of a stretch – this is clearly a dick, balls and all, but, much like a cyborg the Meo Cyborg Exploration Cock has been augmented with additional elements that you won’t naturally find on a human partner. This dildo is out of this world!
Prominent, ridged plates run up the entirety of the Meo Cyborg Exploration Cock’s shaft, ending only at its uncircumcised pinnacle, which is smoother and rounded for that initial touch of tenderness. The sides of this toy’s shaft are also dotted with raised nubs which act to provide additional texture.
This variety of sensation is exactly what you’d want from a textured toy, and the plated section, in particular, has been firmly designed to stand out.
In terms of pure aesthetic appeal I can easily say that this toy grabs the eye near-immediately. It stood out to me, when browsing Meo’s massive selection of dildos (or varying material safety), and I can only imagine that it will stand out to others too, regardless of whether or not alien cybersex is you thing.
That’s the great thing about creating dildos with a fictional element: Yes, if you want it to be then this is the cock of a cyborg, an alien, or an alien cyborg. The premise laid out by Meo acts as a nice little erotic tidbit and it will be a thought that lingers in some user’s minds when riding this bad boy. But, for those who dislike the idea of a fantasy (sci-fi) phallus, this dildo doesn’t have to be anything, outside of an interestingly textured hunk of silicone that you enjoy for its surface qualities. It’s a win-win.
Read full review: http://emmelinepeachesreviews.com/2017/11/08/toy-review-the-meo-cyborg-exploration-cock/
Damit läuft wirklich jeder Motor wie geschmiert – und jedes Hintertürchen auch. Perfekt für Rollenspiele und alle die es etwas "derber" in der Gangart auch (alle anderen sicher auch, aber wieso sollte man sich sonst "Motoröl-gleitgel" kaufen?!). Mit den richtigen Worten versehen kommt man so definitiv auf Hochtüren. Sehr geiles Produkt.
Schon das Anlegen der Penishülle ist ein erster stimulierender Prozess für den Mann. In Kombination mit Herren-Dessous in schwarz oder besser in Kontrastfarbe wird das dienstbereite Gemächt wunderbar in Szene gesetzt und lockt die Partnerin oder den Partner magisch an. Bei der Vereinigung macht sich die Oberflächenstruktur vorteilhaft bemerkbar, zugleich ist die Rückkopplung gedämpft, so dass man(n) länger durchhalten kann. Natürlich muss man(n) danach für eine sachgerechte Reinigung und Trocknung sorgen und die Hüllle entsprechend lagern. Wenn ich ihn angelegt habe, reagiert meine Dame sofort und ohne große Worte der Einladung.